Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Beautiful Flaws

“The hatred of your own female body has become normalised to the point that listing things you hate about yourself is a perfectly normal conversation. Telling the lady at the store that you can’t wear that dress because you hate your upper-arms or discussing weight-loss with a complete stranger are everyday happenings. In fact, it’s even a way for young girls and women to bond. You see, in girl world, hating yourself can be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”- Anonymous Source.

Over time, beauty standards for young girls has changed, it was not until the late twentieth century that thinness was beautiful and desirable. Even from only sixty years ago, the standards have changed and evolved. A good example would be Marilyn Monroe, in her time many girls and women aspired to be like her, she was the face of beauty. Marilyn Monroe was in fact a size 12, nowadays in society if you were a size 12…you may as well be dead. You would immediately feel pressure to lose weight. Why? Because now the face of beauty is a slim supermodel who weighs 90 pounds and is a size double zero. One figure which is there in any and every form of media is the woman. Not just any woman, but a woman who has a “perfect” body. She has a tiny waist, slim legs, flawless skin, perfectly sized and placed eyes, lips and nose, and dressed in the latest fashion or next to nothing at all. Is this woman real, does anybody know this woman in real life? The answer is no, she is a photoshopped person. The media portrays what a "normal" body should look like, when in reality it’s not real.

Mass media is designed to reach large audiences through technology. Its purpose is meant to give information we need to function as a society. Mass media is everywhere, there is no escaping from it. From the moment you wake up until you fall asleep you are bombarded with media especially now everyone is on-line, all the time. Almost every home in Singapore has at least one television, access to the internet, and cell phones. “When I was younger I’m sure the impact of the media on my body image was greater, you would see an ad in a magazine or on the television, but then you would turn off the program or flip to the next page, it sure wasn’t as in my face as it is now. Now, I ignore it…but these days you can’t escape it as easily as I could”
-Patricia Driver.

The media has a wide impact on people, particularly in female teens and children. A 2012 a study showed that even girls at the age of five aren’t happy with their body and begin dieting at the age of only eight years old! “Girls who are a size nine aren’t ugly. Just because you aren’t as tall or as skinny as the model on that magazine, does’t make you ugly…teaching young girls- children in fact, that they are only beautiful if they look a certain way. That is ugly.”-Rachel Driver

The average woman sees 400 to 500 advertisements per day, and by the time she is 17-years old, she has received over 250,000 commercial messages through the media. This constant exposure to female orients advertisements may influence girls to become self-conscious about their bodies and to obsess over their physical appearance as a measure of their worth.-Mass Media Effects On A Girls Body Image (Author, Unknown)

A study in America in 2012 states that eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness for women, and that in 2012 ten million women in america have eating disorders, and 20% of people suffering from anorexia will prematurely die from complications related to their eating disorder, including suicide and heart problems. “Mass media definitely provides really unrealistic expectations for young people and how their bodies look, so it make them feel like they won't be able to achieve anything or ever be good enough unless they look that way, thats why people can have eating disorders and go into depression.” - Akanksha Shukla

Another study in Australian high school girls, 76% of the girls wished they were thinner, 50% have tried to lose weight, and only 16% were happy with their body weight. In extreme cases, girls begin to shows signs of wanting to lose weight around the age of five, but statistics show that “95% of those who have eating disorders are between the ages of 12 and 25. Why? Because they don’t fit the description of a “Real woman” or having the “perfect figure” they are not flawless and shouldn’t be taught to think that being flawless is normal. They want to change, they want to be that girl, that girl who everyone thinks is beautiful. We all want to be beautiful, but in this society…no-one ever is.

How can you be positive? In a world so hateful and flawed. Your first step is to appreciate all that you and your body can do. Every day your body carries you closer to your dreams. Celebrate all of the amazing things your body does for you- running, dancing, breathing, laughing, dreaming, etc. You should keep a list of things you like about yourself, things that aren’t related to how much you weigh or what you look like. Read your list often. You can add to it, the more you become aware of more things to like about yourself. You have to remind yourself that true beauty is not simply skin deep. When you feel good about yourself and who you are as a person, you carry yourself with confidence, self-acceptance, and openness that makes you beautiful, regardless of whether you look like a supermodel. Look at yourself as a whole person. When you see yourself in a mirror don’t focus on specific body parts. See yourself as you want others to see you–as a whole person. Because you’re never going to be accepted by others, if you don’t accept yourself first.


Take a look around. A good look around. Look around to find them, because you will. Somewhere, in every school there is always that group. The boys that hang out with those girls, and those girls that hang out with those boys. But not just any boys and girls. The boys and girls that deem themselves higher than all else. The girls with layered makeup, and the boys puffing out their chest. Boys hitting one another and girls giggling foolishly. Because they will be there. This is the social segregation. The popularity division.

The usual commotion began as everyone came down to lunch. Everyone went to their normal places ny for one boy who stood, playing around the long table in the centre of the cafe. A Group of boys walked by looking at this mere ‘peasant’ in their eyes. Laughing loudly they gave him a look of disgust, and walked off.

After research, interesting facts have been revealed that only 2 in 10 people seem to deem themselves popular. That means 80% of grade 8 students, deem themselves as being cool and interesting. This has illustrated alarming information on children today, as self esteem between both boys and girls has dropped dramatically. ‘Hanging out in the Plaza’, A source wishing to remain anonymous tells us, ‘as well as being cool and being in a big group’, ‘caring more about just your friends and peoples opinions about you than anything else’, This evidence here is significant because of what society themselves have deemed ‘popular kids’. This not only tells us about people who themselves don’t hang out of the plaza and how they think of themselves as kids who aren’t that cool or even ‘outcasts’. This however is a stupid analogy of how someone ‘who hangs out in the plaza’ or ‘is always is in a big group’ is somehow know to everyone else as a popular kid.

Interesting facts can now be revealed about self confidence in boys. In a recent survey only 3 in 10 boys are happy with the image that they think that they present, an interesting coralition to the fact that only 5 in 10 boys seem confident around the other gender. It seems as times have changed that long gone are just female insecurities.

You might be interesting to know about another fact, which unearthed interesting information about the amount of time boys spend in front of a mirror each morning. 2 Minutes? 5 Minutes? 10 minutes turned out to be the average time spent in front of a mirror, that might not seem like a lot but times that by 7. 70 Minutes each week spent in front of a mirror just staring at themselves unconsciously ‘fixing’ themselves.

Social pressure is also a sad thing that relates to how people change. There is always that pressure that is put on you by others, A pressure that grow’s and grow’s varying with the matter. Like a disease, It spreads engulfing you in the need to do what you have been pressured into.

A great example of this pressure is asking someone out. You yourself might not really want to, but remember? It’s not what we want anymore. Its what they want. Its not really like you have a choice either, to be perfectly honest. You do and everyones happy, however if you back down you're looked down upon, and your ‘levels’ just drop like the NASDAQ.

In all schools around the world there is always a divide. A segregation between many similar to Apartheid that divides between different people who deem themselves more popular than others. First lets talk about the word, What does Popular even mean? The dictionary defines it as people who are admired by many people or a particular group. But why? Why does this mean you are different from others? Being deemed popular or trying to get to that stage changes so much about who you really are, From where you hang out to your dress sense, to how do you things just regularly. You become a different person under the influence of this social pressure.
Not only does it change your physical self but it undermines your personality and who YOU truly are. Its not about what you want anymore or what you do. Its about what the people want.

Amongst other things, one of the things that ‘Popularity’ does change is what society deems you should be good at. Passions now should be something masculine, cool rather than something that you enjoy. An unconfirmed source tells us ‘Something that I am really passionate about is Dance. But I have been bullied about this in the past. Its not good enough, its Macho. Its not what everyone else wants to see. I tried to get into something else, Football, Rugby, Tennis. None of them I really enjoyed, It was Dance that was my passion.

These people get bullied over nothing. They get bullied over fitting into society.
Those football players, those rugby Jocks, those kids are the cool ones. Making the team, well that justs your levels rocketing like product shares of apple when the first iPhone came out.

If there is one thing that you do after reading this, is just be prepared, be wary that their are all these different people in the world out there. Be prepared to accept that you might not be one of them and you don’t necessarily need to try to be one of them. It might sound old, ‘Be Yourself’, But that is the best advice you can get. Don’t change yourself for others. These people might not necessarily be bad, but what they do do is create an influenza in society, where everyone is engulfed in this need to become great.

Stand up against Bullying

George’s classmate would always kick him or slap him at the back of his head. One day George had enough, he threw the bully onto the ground and started kicking him. After that day the bully stopped bothering him.
Thats called one way of stopping the bully.

You might wonder if others have had this experience. Bullying was never a new problem it is just that more people are becoming aware of the problem now. To see how many teenagers are bullied, the reporter put a poll on a social media website. Of the 50 votes 80% (40 teenagers) are bullied. And the remaining 20% have not been bullied. The reporter took another poll to see how many people stood up against bullying. Of 43 votes 53% have stood up against bullying while being bullied. 30% of the teenagers have stood up against bullying but they have never been bullied. 9% never stood up for themselves. And only 7% have never stood up for anyone. This shows that some of the teenagers know how to stand up for themselves and a few don’t. “Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life, but define yourself.” – Tim Fields. Basically, just be yourself even though others might judge you. You should not care of how others perceive you as long as you know who you are.

Peer pressure and bullying are the worst types of influence. People get bullied in many different ways and no one sees nor realizes the pain victims go through physically and emotionally. There are many different reasons to why people bully each other. Some bully for attention or because of misunderstanding differences. ‘People want to destroy your dreams and ruin your life, thats how people are, so ignore them and keep doing your thing’ says Alex a 10th grader. Sometimes bullying starts when the victims friends go too far with teasing them especially when the victim doesn’t let the bully know that they’re going too far. Bully's sometimes bully because they are either jealous or hurt themselves so they put all their anger into hurting someone else.

To find out more about how bullying starts the reporter asked a counsellor for more information. Some bullies lack of self-esteem or confidence so they bully other people. The bully could have possibly been bullied in the past so they repeat the same behaviour on others. If people do not stand up against bullies, then the bullies will feel more empowered.

According to Derek, a grade 11 teenager, ‘If you see someone being bullied,help them, if you ignore the bully; The bully will keep bullying them and others. If no one stops the bullies then who will?’
The people who can’t stand up against bullying can't or just don't know how to fight back on their own and others. They need help and support. Everyone should have the right to feel safe from bullying, and not forced to face it alone.

Victims should try to ignore and avoid the bully because if they don't react to the bully then the bully will stop. Victims should have the courage to stand up against bullies even if the bullies are their own friends. Victims should atleast talk to an adult about their problems. According to the i-Safe America survey of students bullying statistics, about 58 percent of kids admit to never telling an adult when they've been the victim of a bullying attack.

What people do not understand is that if you stand up for yourself against the bullies, they will actually stop bothering you. George adds ‘I used to do judo before, I am still good at throwing people down. Use your strength or learn martial arts to fight off the bullies.’ It is really helpful to block or fight the bullies because most of them just stop after getting their own medicine. You can defend yourself and others from being bullied. To find out more about how victims can stop being bullied the reporter asked the counsellor for more information. If the bully is making fun of you just joke about yourself with them. For example if you got a haircut and the bully is making fun of you just tell them something like ‘Ya, don’t go to that hair salon!’. You can also ask your friends to help you walk away from the bully. If the bully continues making fun of you tell them that it isn’t funny anymore. If you have warned them to stop go and tell a trusted adult. The reporter also asked the counsellor how a bystander can help someone being bullied. A bystander can help by stopping the fight and also help the victim walk away from the bully. They can also go get an adult to help.
“You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.” –Winston Churchill
If you do not stand up for yourself then you will never be free. Take your chance for freedom now or be the fool..

Obese vs The World

25 stone British mother of two Christina Briggs has described her alarming story to reporters yesterday. Briggs accused her obese situation as the result of her lack of wealth, claiming that she is fat because she ‘cannot afford organic food and gym membership’. Instead, the unemployed Brit, living on benefits, suggested that the government should fund her quest to lose weight as she cannot afford to eat her favorite takeouts while paying for health classes and activities.

Rather than a cause for concern, this horrific new statement is being met by the public with an unexpected sense of compassion. A recent survey conducted by a reporter measures the upcoming generation, middle school student’s opinions of the upcoming widespread issue that is obesity. Astonishingly, rather than anger, the results of the survey revealed that many students feel remorseful towards the situation, with no less than 100% of participants stating that they felt that society judges the obese and makes them feel unwelcome.

After much research, the unfortunate fact was that one cannot change the economic growth of fast food chains around the world, but what they can dig deeper into is the word society thrown into the statement of obesity. Is society judging Briggs what fuels her ignorance, or is it what she believes of herself and what she deserves? Maybe our next candidate will change your opinion:

Our reporters embarked on another survey, based on the mixed public reactions to British burlesque dancer Charlene Taylor. The ‘claimed to be’ size 16 dancer told reporters of her campaign to inspire fellow obese women to take on her seductive occupation, with the belief that you don't need to be skinny to be attractive. Some felt enthralled by her bewitchment of the ritual that is skinny people playing seductive roles like burlesque dancers, while others were disgusted by Taylor‘s more anti seductive approach, with 60% stating that being unhealthy is not at all attractive.

Which is more attractive, skinny or obese people? It is now becoming a stereotype to see people accusing companies of using stick thin models, and encouraging the ‘coat hanger’ body shape. But being obese is just as unhealthy as eating a peanut everyday. Is shovelling twinkies into your mouth everyday really what society wants attractive to be? The reason why it is so difficult to pick one is simply because the answer is neither. In the 1950s, when the idea of pop culture and seductive women began to intertwine, the idea of a perfect woman was not someone who felt comfortable in their own skin, it was someone who was healthy, curvy and attractive. As a private psychologist quoted to our reporters, ‘people often mix up the definition of seductive and beautiful. The definition of sexy is a stereotype that will always be there, but the definition of beautiful is spontaneous beyond belief. Being beautiful is being charismatic and genuinely comfortable with how you look, regardless of your weight. That is what being comfortable in your skin really means. But being healthy comes first.’

For all the obese people out there, this article is not going to bring you down. It is meant to inspire you to make that difference. In 2050, 50% of Americans will be obese. Every person counts to that statistic. If society starts to accept obese people thinking they are fine the way they are, nothing will change. What happens when it’s 75%? 80%? Do we really want to be that world that gave into the second chicken nugget? We cannot all be rich and sexy, but we can all be beautiful, and that should be something the obese, including Taylor and Briggs strive towards to make this world a better, healthier place. If they really want to be those things, they will be accepted no matter what if they chucked out their twinkies and hit the treadmill, as will the other 2.1 billion people, nearly 30% of the world, will want to strive towards. You can be beautiful and not be skinny, but you can be healthier and happier. Research indicates that 20% more people are happier being healthy than wealthy. So make those changes today, do what you want to do, be who you want to be, but remember, the only goal that society will ever have, whether it’s 2014 or 2050, everyone has the right to be beautiful and happy, and that’s what it takes for society and the obese to truly comprise.

Stress from grades

Days after days, weeks after weeks and there was still no success in the class of 7ACu. There had been mounds of pressure put on top of children about getting good grades. There had been some complaints from students just about certain subjects like Math where there was for some reason a lot more pressure to succeed in. Of course, some students in this class had no problem because they naturally excel in academics. However, for some it was getting to the breaking point.

A survey showed that only 5 people out of the 21 in this class had parents that were satisfied with their marks. On average there were only 3 people that would get above the grade expectation during assessments and unit tests. There are always some teachers that are sympathetic and don’t put pressure on kids by not even talking about grades.

“We don’t like to talk about grades in this class, its always about how you can improve” stated Jabiz Raisdana, an English teacher. However, a lot of teachers do put a lot of importance in getting great results. All this stress causes anxiety in the students heads and leads to bad grades on tests.

Why do grades matter at such a young age? Its not just parents and teachers that put emphasis on grades, it’s also peers. Everyone likes to do as well as their friends on tests so they can compete with them. Parents think that if their children do well during middle school, it will help them in the future and so instead of actually doing well, the kids feel the load mount on top of them and don’t do as well. This is all really insane because what happens in middle school has nothing to do with high school, let alone the future.

Teachers say that everyone should take the mistakes from their fails to succeed next time, but students see a bad grade and think that it’s over because their parents are gonna punish them. Well all that never happens, all they concentrate on is about how they’re going to get a bad grade in their report card. On top of studying for about 1 test every 10 days, students have to complete homework for 3 out of 4 subjects per day, extra work that is given by parents. When do they have time to chill out and relax? Middle school should be enjoyed and savored as in high school, there aren’t many opportunities to unwind and loosen off.

Even when children want to study late and finish homework, they aren’t given much time at all by parents. Students have to balance out their time between leisure time, sports, academics and service. The parents still want their children to sleep for a good 9 to ten hours.

Just one in every three students gains a grade that they are satisfied with. Obviously some families and students have higher expectations. This shows how much students want to improve their grades but are not able to. Low grades have cause so much concern for some kids so that they don’t even show their parents their test results.

Always something to consider when your kids aren’t getting consistent good results.

Friends. Can you trust them?

A girl was walking past tent plaza. Meanwhile, all the kids under the tent are watching while eating their food. Staring at her. She gets the jitters and walks faster. They turn and and start talking to one another. The girl then runs of to her friends who are sitting far away from tent plaza.

1 out of 4 people in grade 8 feel they are true friends. That is true in many cases. Many people think of themselves as true friends and many don't. But in the end, everyone is friends. Everyone is brought in at UWC. There are people who are friends with other people but are always nice to others. This 1 out of 4 people may feel as if they are friends but they might not actually be true/good friends. Feeling is when you have a thought and then have an emotion after it.

Dr. Sanjay, psychiatrist in Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai, says that people get overwhelmed when they think they are popular. When asked what types of friends are there, Dr. Sanjay replied "There are many types of friends. There are BFF's, Good Friends, Acquaintances and many more. All these are just statements but in the end, true friendship lies between you and your connection with your friend." A new 8th grader shared her story. "So last year I was in an accident and my face got really messed up so I thought no one would accept me for who I was. After I came back from the hospital my friend called me. I thought I should tell her since she didn't know. I was going to hang up but she insisted I show her how I looked. Once I showed her she didn't laugh, give me pity or anything she simply started saying I don't look as bad as she thought I would. Basically she cheered me up. She made me feel really happy being accepted. She was the only one who accepted me after I went to school. All of my friends made fun of me they bullied me for being in the accident."

Helen Keller once said “I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.” Everyone should have friends who do this. Many famous actors and superstars have friends next to them to help them when they need that help. If it means you need to step back a bit then that it is what you do. Dr. Tucker, as doctor working in Mount Elizabeth Hospital, says. "When you are in stress, or you need some help, your friends would be the first person you would go to." he said "Middle Schooler's always go through this phase and when they need friends a lot. But in times like this, people often forget about their friends"

This is a story that really makes us go "What could I have done to help?" Well this brings us to the next steps into the future. What you could do is try to reach out to people when they need help such as a new girl at school. Go out and give your hand by helping them go around. Small things can be done and you can be a better friend. Thats what true friendship is all about. When someone is in need of you help, you go out to help them. That is exactly why we should have friends. They are always there for you like when you are troubled or need help yourself. Like the quote goes 'A friend in need is a friend indeed'. You can help the new students from feeling out of place and alone by just talking to them and being their friend as that can brighten their day.

When you are down, go talk to a counsellor or someone to clear your problems. Your friends might not be the best people to talk to as they might go behind your back and talk mean things about you. Share your feelings with someone you know you can trust and know that they can keep a secret. Your parents are really good people to talk to as they have been through middle school just like you and so they may know how to deal with it. You can also talk to your pets as pets really help you feel better.

Remember, never let others control you and you should be able to pick your right friends. Always be yourself and try not to please others because you want them to be your friend. They should appreciate you for who you are. 

Computer games is a major addiction for the young generation. In the end, is it really worth it?

Has this generation of people been infected by a wannabe ebola virus? As far as adults can be concerned, there was no such thing as technology back in their day. There was something else that existed though. It was usually a life with no screen at all. As kids, they would go outside and enjoy the fresh air, as they would play outside with friends and socialise in person. However, generations have changed. Now there's technology like iPhone’s, PC’s and console’s. However, one of the most effective and deadly creations of them all is computer games.

Jane McGonigal, who is a world-renowned designer of alternate reality games-or in other words, create games that require people to solve real life problems, had also taken many thoughts about computer games itself. She had been on TED talks and have discussed the issue about computer games. Although she is a video game designer herself, she was conflicted whether to say it was really all that worth it. When she began she said, “Currently, there are more than half a billion people worldwide, playing computer games and video games, at least an hour a day. Alone, 183 million people play video games in the U.S.” Half a billion people playing computer games is more than the population of Indonesia and Brazil put together, who rank top 5 in the most populated countries since 2014. Not only that, a survey conducted in 2007, had 1,102 kids taking the test. The games of choices had the top 5 games being Guitar Hero, Halo 3, Madden NFL, Solitaire and Dance Dance Revolution, according to ABC news. This proves on how the majority of the video games played by many is not games that require you to solve issues that could help you in real life. Jane McGonigal also had to add on how we spend 3 billion hours a week playing computer games as an entire planet, which is not a good thing. That is around 125,000,000 days, and with that amount of time, people could be doing so much more to benefit the world or themselves.

Many people agree that computer games is something that really shouldn’t have been introduced to people. Many authors like Terry Pratchett had to say, "Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil... prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon…” Other people have to say the same on computer games. Student, Aaron Kiss, who is from an unsourced school says, “Computer games is a waste of time, I don’t really like it but I must admit, I did use to play it frequently. Although I would get mad when my parents would stop me from playing, I was definitely not addicted.”

Mr Raisdana, a sophisticated English teacher has daughters, who also can be addicted to computer games. “My daughters have an iPad and love playing Minecraft, however, I usually see a risen amount of procrastination during their time when playing computer games. So I’d usually have to unhook them from the game, but it isn’t easy, as whenever I tell them to get off or when I take the iPad away from them, my children will sometimes get mad or will even enrage,” says Mr Raisdana. Studies show that the younger you are, the more likely you are to start playing computer games. With 99% of boys under 18 and 94% of girls under 18 reportedly playing video games, they could rack up 10,000 hours of gaming by the age of 21. The issue is that when 18, these grownups should be heading into college. However, the 96.5% of girls and boys who choose to game, miss out on what would’ve been the next step in their future, and as said before, the games played by the majority of people are not games that can help improve life skills. Not only has it taken the ego of some people, but it can even take even more than that, it could take lives. There have been cases of killings, just over computer games. That includes a 13 year old taking his mother’s life with a .22 caliber. He was so enraged that he even made efforts to rape her before killing her, and all of this, just because of his mother taking his Call of Duty game away. With so many hours wasted on these computer games that are usually violent, it can drive people crazy, even to the point where depression takes place. From depression, it could only get worse.

With computer games that drive people to the edge, and with the young generation at risk of cutting themselves off from the real world, computer games is definitely not worth it. The amount released into stores should be reduced, and if computer games were to be released, the games should positively improve the logic and the mind thought of the people playing the video games. Still, there are better and more important things to do in life than to just play computer games. There are hobbies like board games or sports, or to even just be social with family in the real world, as you could do everything together as one, and all of this can easily improve the attitude and the mindset of one. Unless the computer games played by majority of the people is something that can make a positive impact onto the lives of many people, the best choice as a hardcore gamer, is to stop gaming.