Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Society doesn't need to tell you who to be. You need to tell yourself who to be.

Darkness fills the whole street but inside the light of *Arabella’s room, but it is the darkest and most painful room of all, with open wounds and fresh scars,tears streaming down her face, blood from her hands, trembling she opens her laptop, and returns to her escape. Her dashboard is filled with both motivational messages and depressed messages. She wipes her tears, silently crying just like how she struggles, peering into her laptop she scrolls. All because she is different from the rest. She looks at the mirror and repeats to herself like every other painful day ‘no one will know, and no one will find out’ she washes her face and cuts and puts on a plastic smile. She whispers to herself ‘no one will know, and no one will find out. 
And we finally understand the words.'funny when you’re dead, how people start listening’. Finally, after years of wretched life she, like many others gave up. And family and friends are shocked they should of helped when they had the chance, but let it slip right through their hands. Now everyone thinks she the most beautiful girl and wished they were there to support her but they are too late. And to all the bullies, they are in some way a cause for their death, and it will haunt them forever. And just like that a life is gone from a teenager killing herself with negativity because of the standards that say they will never be ‘good enough. 

Every day around the world, millions of teenagers are pressured to be like others and be what society wants them to be. People are often caught between who they want to be and who they have to be to fit in. And no matter how hard they try they never fit in, they’re killing themselves with negativity.
This is something everyone faces at one point or the other. And mostly this change you and how you think of yourself and how you think others see you. A simple case is how media suppress the truth, though photoshop and lies. Girls are lead to believe that they need to be a size ‘0’ have a thigh gap, need to have a light skin tone, flawless skin, blonde/hazel hair basically a perfect girl, only she is unachievable. This makes girls feel like they are worthless and will never be good enough.This leads to zero self esteem and deeper issues like Depression, bullying,seizures, panic attacks and self harm.

This isn't only for the issue of women's body image these side effects are for everything that causes people to feel like they aren't ‘good enough’,people are afraid to express themselves as they think their peers are going to judge them and mock them. Some communities and schools aren't accepting and teenagers have to resolve into hiding their sextuality, just to fit in. They have been repeatedly told by others and themselves that liking the same sex is wrong! Who are egoistic, half baked (straight) teenagers, to judge a peer for being with someone their heart desires. Furthermore, parents (and adults) must stop being insensitive and telling their child that something is wrong with them just for liking the same sex.

Often times teenagers try to get through this pressure by doing things that harm them even more a common reliefs are drinking, smoking or doing drugs, this can start at the age of 14 or 18, though, who can blame them for giving themselves misguided advice, they are only children who have lost their way. And though those are extremely common reliefs people resort there are more and one of the most painful and self wrecking relief known to teenagers, Self harm.

As it is often misinterpreted self harm isn't just cutting, it is also burning, scratching, banging or hitting body parts, interfering with wound healing ,hair-pulling and the ingestion of toxic substances or objects and eating disorders,most of these actions are done out of suicidal intentions but it is more than that. It is when teenagers feel like they aren't good enough and their life is messed up , to a point where is can never be good again, and the only thing they have control over is their body.

They feel like they aren't good, they feel frustrated and annoyed that they can never do anything right and they start hating themselves, and mistreating their body because, at this point they feel that is the only thing they have control over. And yes, teenagers do die of this as they aren't capable of treating their wounds. Also, there is an increased risk of suicides on a person who self harms, self harm is found in 40% to 60% of suicide cases.

Although teenagers resort to things that hurt themselves, they only want to be heard out and want people to understand them. Because teenagers are the most misunderstood people, they are treated like kids, but are expected to act like adults. It’s not just girls (women) suffering from this tons of boy (men) do unheard or overheard by the loud speaking macho men. And very ones have their problems.

And most often times when consulted with an adult, they think that teenagers' lives are easy and they don't have any real problems, but that's what makes us feel like no one understands them even more! Honestly, teenagers just want to be heard out. To help teenagers being heard and understood several websites have been created for this purpose like http://www.7cupsoftea.com and https://www.imalive.org/, Also, there is a lifeline 1–800–273–8255, for teenagers who want to, tell people what they are going through and just have someone listen for once.

Though everyone wants to be heard out and understood, it's easier for some people than others. Some people don’t like pointing out all the flaws in their lives to people, they rather do it to a close family member or friend, but often times they are misunderstood and many teenagers go through this struggle in silence. And most times this struggle leads to suicidal thoughts and sometimes you completely lose. Often people have just had enough of being compared and being bullied, they block everything out forever.

*Fake name

1 comment:

  1. I think that this was a well written article. The narrative craft at the start did well to set the mood that was there in the rest of the article, as it was a dark and menacing mood, kind of like what the article is about. I do think that teenage depression is a very big problem that can sometimes be overlooked. I think that teens sometimes feel like they are not seen and they are not heard by others, and this can lead to depression, and even suicide. This is defiantly a very serious topic and it can be overlooked sometimes.
