Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Stand up against Bullying

George’s classmate would always kick him or slap him at the back of his head. One day George had enough, he threw the bully onto the ground and started kicking him. After that day the bully stopped bothering him.
Thats called one way of stopping the bully.

You might wonder if others have had this experience. Bullying was never a new problem it is just that more people are becoming aware of the problem now. To see how many teenagers are bullied, the reporter put a poll on a social media website. Of the 50 votes 80% (40 teenagers) are bullied. And the remaining 20% have not been bullied. The reporter took another poll to see how many people stood up against bullying. Of 43 votes 53% have stood up against bullying while being bullied. 30% of the teenagers have stood up against bullying but they have never been bullied. 9% never stood up for themselves. And only 7% have never stood up for anyone. This shows that some of the teenagers know how to stand up for themselves and a few don’t. “Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life, but define yourself.” – Tim Fields. Basically, just be yourself even though others might judge you. You should not care of how others perceive you as long as you know who you are.

Peer pressure and bullying are the worst types of influence. People get bullied in many different ways and no one sees nor realizes the pain victims go through physically and emotionally. There are many different reasons to why people bully each other. Some bully for attention or because of misunderstanding differences. ‘People want to destroy your dreams and ruin your life, thats how people are, so ignore them and keep doing your thing’ says Alex a 10th grader. Sometimes bullying starts when the victims friends go too far with teasing them especially when the victim doesn’t let the bully know that they’re going too far. Bully's sometimes bully because they are either jealous or hurt themselves so they put all their anger into hurting someone else.

To find out more about how bullying starts the reporter asked a counsellor for more information. Some bullies lack of self-esteem or confidence so they bully other people. The bully could have possibly been bullied in the past so they repeat the same behaviour on others. If people do not stand up against bullies, then the bullies will feel more empowered.

According to Derek, a grade 11 teenager, ‘If you see someone being bullied,help them, if you ignore the bully; The bully will keep bullying them and others. If no one stops the bullies then who will?’
The people who can’t stand up against bullying can't or just don't know how to fight back on their own and others. They need help and support. Everyone should have the right to feel safe from bullying, and not forced to face it alone.

Victims should try to ignore and avoid the bully because if they don't react to the bully then the bully will stop. Victims should have the courage to stand up against bullies even if the bullies are their own friends. Victims should atleast talk to an adult about their problems. According to the i-Safe America survey of students bullying statistics, about 58 percent of kids admit to never telling an adult when they've been the victim of a bullying attack.

What people do not understand is that if you stand up for yourself against the bullies, they will actually stop bothering you. George adds ‘I used to do judo before, I am still good at throwing people down. Use your strength or learn martial arts to fight off the bullies.’ It is really helpful to block or fight the bullies because most of them just stop after getting their own medicine. You can defend yourself and others from being bullied. To find out more about how victims can stop being bullied the reporter asked the counsellor for more information. If the bully is making fun of you just joke about yourself with them. For example if you got a haircut and the bully is making fun of you just tell them something like ‘Ya, don’t go to that hair salon!’. You can also ask your friends to help you walk away from the bully. If the bully continues making fun of you tell them that it isn’t funny anymore. If you have warned them to stop go and tell a trusted adult. The reporter also asked the counsellor how a bystander can help someone being bullied. A bystander can help by stopping the fight and also help the victim walk away from the bully. They can also go get an adult to help.
“You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.” –Winston Churchill
If you do not stand up for yourself then you will never be free. Take your chance for freedom now or be the fool..

1 comment:

  1. Hi Saran,

    Something that I didn't know and you mentioned is when there are so many people who have been bullied and out of them, almost half of them don't stand up for them. I knew people bullied others but not this many. There are many different ways people get bullied but there are a few where people end up committing suicide. I have been bullied for 7 years and finally I feel much more stronger once I stood up to them
