Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Friends. Can you trust them?

A girl was walking past tent plaza. Meanwhile, all the kids under the tent are watching while eating their food. Staring at her. She gets the jitters and walks faster. They turn and and start talking to one another. The girl then runs of to her friends who are sitting far away from tent plaza.

1 out of 4 people in grade 8 feel they are true friends. That is true in many cases. Many people think of themselves as true friends and many don't. But in the end, everyone is friends. Everyone is brought in at UWC. There are people who are friends with other people but are always nice to others. This 1 out of 4 people may feel as if they are friends but they might not actually be true/good friends. Feeling is when you have a thought and then have an emotion after it.

Dr. Sanjay, psychiatrist in Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai, says that people get overwhelmed when they think they are popular. When asked what types of friends are there, Dr. Sanjay replied "There are many types of friends. There are BFF's, Good Friends, Acquaintances and many more. All these are just statements but in the end, true friendship lies between you and your connection with your friend." A new 8th grader shared her story. "So last year I was in an accident and my face got really messed up so I thought no one would accept me for who I was. After I came back from the hospital my friend called me. I thought I should tell her since she didn't know. I was going to hang up but she insisted I show her how I looked. Once I showed her she didn't laugh, give me pity or anything she simply started saying I don't look as bad as she thought I would. Basically she cheered me up. She made me feel really happy being accepted. She was the only one who accepted me after I went to school. All of my friends made fun of me they bullied me for being in the accident."

Helen Keller once said “I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.” Everyone should have friends who do this. Many famous actors and superstars have friends next to them to help them when they need that help. If it means you need to step back a bit then that it is what you do. Dr. Tucker, as doctor working in Mount Elizabeth Hospital, says. "When you are in stress, or you need some help, your friends would be the first person you would go to." he said "Middle Schooler's always go through this phase and when they need friends a lot. But in times like this, people often forget about their friends"

This is a story that really makes us go "What could I have done to help?" Well this brings us to the next steps into the future. What you could do is try to reach out to people when they need help such as a new girl at school. Go out and give your hand by helping them go around. Small things can be done and you can be a better friend. Thats what true friendship is all about. When someone is in need of you help, you go out to help them. That is exactly why we should have friends. They are always there for you like when you are troubled or need help yourself. Like the quote goes 'A friend in need is a friend indeed'. You can help the new students from feeling out of place and alone by just talking to them and being their friend as that can brighten their day.

When you are down, go talk to a counsellor or someone to clear your problems. Your friends might not be the best people to talk to as they might go behind your back and talk mean things about you. Share your feelings with someone you know you can trust and know that they can keep a secret. Your parents are really good people to talk to as they have been through middle school just like you and so they may know how to deal with it. You can also talk to your pets as pets really help you feel better.

Remember, never let others control you and you should be able to pick your right friends. Always be yourself and try not to please others because you want them to be your friend. They should appreciate you for who you are. 

1 comment:

  1. I really liked this topic and how you wrote it. It was completely straight to point. I agree a lot with helping new students fit in as I used to do that in my old school. Talking to new students really helps them out so, I like the fact you mentioned that. The story in between was also really good as it fit the topic really well!
