Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Bullying Should Become A Major Concern To Kids and Should Stop

What has made school a living dungeon to some kids? Why have some kids come home, anxious about the next day? An anonymous source expresses his feelings to a reporter and says, “I feel depressed when people call me names, I don’t feel as if I should go to school the next day after I get teased.” Another victim of the issue says, “I try to ignore it as best as I can, I feel so defenceless that I have to make fun of myself when other people make fun of me.” These victims have had issues with being a victim of bullying and aren’t the only victims in the world that are being bullied.

Picture this, a dark night at Katong Park. This wasn’t the right time and environment for a fight to start. However, the wind and the silence was broken when a friendly kids soccer game turned into a living horror. Two teams were going against each other, one of the teams were called Homies FC and the opponent was BSFC. The team captain of Homies FC was found scrambling with bruises on his head after a fight with the opposing team members. A witness of the fight says that the team captain of Homies FC was found scratching a teammate on the opposite team. It was after a violent argument of teasing and cursing that the argument led to dripping blood from the opposing teammates lip. The dripping blood from the opposing teammate led the older brother to vigorously smack the team captain of Homies FC. The hard smacks to the head and a blow to the stomach left massive bruisings, it was only when the brother was out of breath that the whole team of BSFC made a run for it. The wet ground and the dark clouds watching over the fighting victims only made the afternoon more horrifying. With an unpleasant environment, the night couldn’t have gotten any worse.

Victims of bullying have said that they would sometimes come home and start crying in their rooms, just like how a boy named August would always end up crying about how he is always teased at school about his demented face. Bullies and victims of bullying usually have trouble focusing on their school work as the bully usually feels as if he or she are too cool for school. According to ABC news, either 30% of students are bullies or victims of bullying. There are an estimated 4,400 deaths per year due to suicides, among every suicide of young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts due to bullying. Kids who are bullied can experience negative physical, school, and mental health issues.

Kids who are usually bullied are more likely to experience things such as depression and anxiety, increased feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns. They will even have a loss of interest in hobbies they used to enjoy, these issue most likely to follow up into the child’s adulthood. They will even have health complaints. An organisation known as “Stop Bullying.gov” says that bullied children are most likely to have decreased academic achievement-GPA and standardized test scores-and school participation. They are most likely to miss, skip, or drop out of school. According to the website against bullying, they say that bullied children may use violent actions. In 12 or 15 school shooting cases in 1990, the shooters have had a history of being bullied. This is just like how Roy, a boy who cares about a group of owls in a construction sight is bullied by a boy named, Dana Matherson. As Roy and Dana have been fighting since the start of the school, it only ended until Roy took action by punching Dana in the face on a school bus, this breaking Dana’s nose.

Bullies and bystanders are also affected. Bullies are most likely to engage in early sexual activity or be abusive toward their romantic partner, spouses or children as adults. Bystanders are also affected as there will usually be an increase use of tobacco, alcohol or other drugs, increased mental health or may miss or skip school.

Bullying affects almost everyone involved, these clear reasons are why bullying is an issue to be concerned over. With people like August, a kid with a demented face who are treated as outsiders, we all have a reason to be concerned over bullying. Treated as an outsider, he was always dealing with bullies and popular kids. He would always be called names like “Ogre” or the “Hobbit”. Only lucky to have his friends to defend him like how they defended him at an environmental camp, without them, he would be toast. With a negative or violent output towards the result of everyone involved in the bullying activity, it is crystal clear reason why bullying has no benefit and there isn’t any reason why bullying can literally burn someone from the inside forever. Some people get bullied everyday, for racial color to facial disorders.

Bullying happens on an everyday notice, it even happens to the major characters of books, like Katniss and how she has to deal with the bullying of the capital, or how August has to deal with the bullying of people at his school. Bullying is a detrimental reason why kids are afraid and scared everyday, and for that reason, bullying has to stop, no matter how easing it is to do it or no matter what reason it is for bullying the victim. Bullying is like cancer, destroying the soles and heart of everyone involved.

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