Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Burnmark is a School's Reputation

Has the rumors of one of the biggest events in a school spreaded to other schools already? Has this ruined this school’s reputation? Vedant, an ex-student of Overseas Family School, was asked whether because of this event, how he would view the school, whether it is still a good school or a bad school. He firmly replies, “I think that the school’s reputation has been ruined due to this event that happened at OFS.” Arguably, this event is something that won’t look good in OFS’ reputation.

A few months ago, during a loud lunchtime, an ashy, unbreathable smoke came out of a shower room, just by the large soccer field. An anonymous source says that all the students ran to the field, only to crowd around the flaming room. Teachers made efforts to keep the paparazzi away from the shower room, as they emphasized the boundaries, staying focused on the student’s safety. Videos were quickly posted on to social media, as entertained students watched staff, tame and put out the fire.

Sources from the school say that a certain student made attempts to burn the school, due to hatred towards OFS itself, others say that the student made attempts to burn his failed tests using coal. However, even with all the information brought to the principle upon who might’ve committed such a stupid act, it was later rumoured that the student later brought himself in, snitching 4 other witness’ that didn’t stop him from starting the fire. The suspect was punished with a 4 month suspension from school, as the other witness’ was brought to suspension of 4 days.

The student who committed the act, then expressed his feelings upon his social media page, and this is what he had to say,”I just want to say that whatever I did at school today, I wasn't thinking at all. I was being really stupid (as everyone knows) and I didn't mean any of it.” He then continues upon what he did by saying, “ Once again, to everyone, I'm really, really sorry for this. And I also want to say thanks to all the people that can surprisingly understand that what I did was purely a mistake, nothing more. Even though it was a massive, stupid mistake, I just want to say thanks for somehow understanding. Really sorry guys.” Although he apologized and expressed upon how guilty he felt, students from other schools thought that his punishment wasn’t severe enough. A student from another school comments upon the punishment of the suspended student. He believes that the punishment wasn’t harsh enough, he thought that the suspended student should’ve been expelled as what he did could have endangered the lives of many students. Some thought that if they started that fire, their parents would’ve taken everything away from them forever because of the risk it put other students in, and commented similar things upon the suspended student’s punishment. Others thought differently and thought that he would’ve learnt that what he did was wrong and thought that he would never do it again if he was given that much time to think about what he had done to the school and students.

It was later confirmed by a staff of the science department at OFS, that he would’ve been expelled from OFS. He says, “If it wasn’t for the 10 good years of history of this student’s record at OFS, he would’ve been expelled for sure!” Staff from others schools believe that rather than punishing the student, they would have become his counsellor, helping him understand that what he had done was wrong and would help him correct his mistake to make sure he’d never do it again.
Although it was an entertaining and eventful day for many of the students, watching the fire blaze in the shower room, the day wasn’t good at all for the school, as they are now left with a big burnmark in their history and reputation.

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