Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Feminism Is The Future

8_C2 Physical Education class Student Rhea Taneja feels that she is discriminated against and she isn't the only one; many female students feel the same way. (Female) Students feel that they underestimated in their Physical Education class. And this discrimination is not the students but by teacher. The group of 11 to 12 girls feel discriminated against as in sports, while there are several others women out there there discriminated against bigger and more important situations, not that this isn't but there are bigger issues that society needs to change.

Feminist: the person who believes in the social,political, and economic equality of the sexes. Although there has been success all over the world for women empowerment there is still much more work to be done. According to the UN Woman Press Release on July 5th in New York ‘ The social and legal discrimination against woman remains a major obstacle to economic development in emerging and developing countries.’ But there has been change.

According to Society Institution and Gender Index (SIGI) these are some positive scores from 2012. On average, the rate of early marriage has decreased to 17 per cent in 2012 from 21 per cent in 2009. The number of countries with specific legislation to combat domestic violence has more than doubled from 21 in 2009 to 53 in 2012. Many more positive outcomes have come.

Although there have been so many positive outcomes sadly feminism isn't just a problem in developing countries it also affects girls and woman on a large scale in developed countries. The society tells women that they are still powerless,weak and less than a man. ‘We raise girls to see each other as competitors.Not for jobs or for accomplishments.Which I think can be a good thing.But for the attention of men’ words of feminist activist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie during her TED talk in 2009, (it was sampled for the 2013 song ***flawless by american artist Beyonce.)

The is a fine difference between discrimination in developing and developed countries, though the effect is same, it portrays women and weaker being who need someone stronger than them to protect them and guard them. Preferably a man. And though there several women in the world depressed because of this, this has also inspired many woman to make a change and bring themselves equal to a man. Susan B. Anthony, Declaration of Rights for Women (July 1876) "We ask justice, we ask equality, we ask that all the civil and political rights that belong to citizens of the United States, be guaranteed to us and our daughters forever." Even though the declaration of rights for women was back in 1876, it took over 2 centuries for feminism to become accepted widely by all women today.

It took time for women to accept their power and raise to power and take their place, next to men. And now girls all over the world raise to power and question if they are denied it, even in our community. Here are what some female students say about raising to our power.’We need feminism so we can do what we want’. ‘Men think of feminism as a joke but to us its about having the rights we deserve’. ‘Men create discipline women create a generation’ ‘Men have inner beauty while we have it on the outside. Men are tough on the outside, while we have inner warriors in us.’ Feminism is the future.

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