Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Effects of 9/11

When was 9/11? 9/11 was in 2001 it was a memorable date in the lives of many. Who were directly affected. Also in the minds of the world. It was an act of terrorism which stunned the world. The horror on everyones faces when the building got demolished by the two hijacked planes. Was televised worldwide and the memory of the lives even today 9/11/14. 13 years on!

An unconfirmed source gave a detailed apologue of how she felt when she got the news. Her husband called her at work and said he had just got a phone call from his college from New York and he asked her to watch the news immediately. She was speechless as she watched the pandemonium that was occurring live on the television. The panic, horror and shock of all the people still etched in her mind even today.

The sight of the man in the white shirt jumping out of a very high floor from one of the towers. It was amazing because he chose to take that action to save his life rather than take the staircase with everyone else. What must have been going on in his mind in his last moments Fear, Anger and Emptiness. What sort of Barbaric people would have wanted to cause this? Why did they want to kill themselves to kill many more? Why?

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