Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Video Games Good or Bad?

As he plugged in his charger and connected it to his computer he sits down at the table and plays for hours. Forget about homework, He is an Over Gamer. Gaming can be good or bad. It all depends whether the person is playing for a short amount of time or a long amount of time.

Gaming may be computer games or console games, some of the types games are Real Time Strategy, 

First Person Shooter, Racing, etc.
Worldwide gamers can suffer from over gaming. A few Grade 8 students at UWCSEA say that “If you end up over-gaming it causes the stress of not only the kid but the parents as well.” What is revealed here is that kids will want to spend more time playing video games and not want to do any work. Their parents will then put pressure on them to do well in school.

It not just at people in other schools people are struggling at UWCSEA. In UWCSEA the most amount of hours a student has played video games has been for 4 hours straight. Added to the previous evidence this suggests that people at UWCSEA play too many games.

This is a quote from a parent whose son over games. A quote the unknown source says “I want to ban devices for life for my son and I am at end of my tether, It alienates us we never talk and If I had my way I would throw every Gadget in my house off our balcony.” Underlying these words suggests that the source doesn’t like their son to play video games.

Video games are often accused of leading teens to violent behaviour and anti social behaviour. According to an expert “It turns out that playing video games can actually make you smarter and help you to develop important skills that are necessary to succeed in a 21st century.” “Gamers always believe that an epic win is possible and that it's always worth trying, and trying now. Gamers don't sit around.” Jane McGonigal

According to Kids Health some studies have shown certain video games can improve hand-eye coordination, problem-solving skills, and the mind's ability to process information. But too much video games will lead to health problems. It can also affect friendships and kids who play violent video games might act more aggressively. According to Kids Health a total amount of games you can play in a day is 2 hours which includes TV, Phones, etc.

Sanjay Shah was interviewed about Video Games here is what he said:

Video games are both good and bad. Good because they help improve coordination, mental skills and reaction times. Some games are also very educational. Bad because they cause a lot of distraction and are addictive to the point where other work does not get done. In addition they are bad for the eyes and disrupt one’s sleep patterns. Finally video games do not help improve social skills.

Many of the games on the market are actually very educational and can help teach many things. Unfortunately, most of the times, it is not these games that are popular. However, teaching can also come in many forms - all video games help teach coordination, and hone mental skills and improve reaction times.

I always pressure my son to get good grades, especially if these grades are at the expense of over-gaming on the computer — which seems to be the norm these days with children. My son has got an addiction with video-games and sometimes homework and reading slips as a result of spending too much time gaming.

The solution to cut down on video games should be that they are only played on weekends and that are for a limited time only. There are many other hobbies or sports options that children should explore which are just as enjoyable and are probably more healthy both to the mind and body then sitting on the couch playing video games.

Don’t think that just because there are some bad things about video games you should stop completely but what you should do is limit you time to a maximum of 2 hours a day. Ask your parents, if your parent say you playing too much don’t get angry at them maybe you could finish the homework you have and then play video games. Mostly parent put pressure on their kids to get good grades that is true but if you are struggling go and talk to someone about how you feel and then maybe then you parents will see that they are putting a lot of pressure on you.

The community in UWCSEA EAST has a lot of people who play games some of the games maybe Real Time Strategy, First Person Shooter, Racing, etc they all probably have some pressure that they are facing. Some of them maybe cutting down on the time they are spending playing video games and they maybe studying. This doesn’t mean stop playing it just means do other things like: Reading, Math, Science, Football, Swimming, Cycling, etc.

“But at the end of the day It’s all about the game” - SGT. Ernie Calhoun

~By Nikhil Shah

1 comment:

  1. I had this problem as I used to play a lot of Video Games but my parents made restrictions and there are still many people that are addicted to Video Games and this article will help them and their parents. Video Game addiction will reduce immensely if people read this article.
