Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Dance Fever

Middle school socials. The music, the food, the dancing and the DRAMA. According to most middle school students, it has become an honorary ritual.

“Someone always leaves crying, or mad at someone else” says a source before adding; “Last time, one of my friends received a prank call saying that if she wasn’t home in half an hour, they would kill all her friends.” Is that really something a middle school student should be hearing? One can only imagine how horrifying it must have been for them to receive such a disgusting so called “prank call” while they were just trying to have a good time with their friends and peers. “Sometimes students think its funny to scare their friends with threats like these” explains a middle school councillor. “What they don’t understand is how much it actually scares the other person, talking about dying is not a joke” she says.

Other stories are mostly about typical teen drama like, “he won’t talk to me” or “she won’t dance with me” etc. Now, this is normal, teens will be teens, and there really isn’t a solution to these problems. Most teens find it hard to talk about these problems with an adult, so they like to confide in their friends and then bury the hatchet. “What they need to understand is that sometimes, talking to an adult is more beneficial than talking to someone the same age as you, simply because adults have more experience with these situations and your friend might just have the same mindset as you.” says a high school student. “As they grow up, they need to understand that sometimes, its better to let something go, than make a mountain out of a molehill.” adds a bystander.

As middle schoolers, adults would expect and trust them to be responsible and to think about what they say before they let words flow out of their mouths. Socials are meant for relaxing, bonding, and making new friends, not for starting rumors and fights between friends or acquaintances.

There are reports that the upcoming socials are going to be even better for the year eights as this is their last year of middle school, before transitioning on to the great big world of high school, and unconfirmed sources tell us that there might even be a semi formal at the end of the academic year. So the only thing left to do, is keep calm and party on!

1 comment:

  1. I liked your article.I agree with you on approaching an adult as they would have more experience than you or someone the same age as you.Even my friend got a prank call in one of the social and kind of freaked out.The good is that she approached her dad and her dad called the number saying that he kept getting messages and phone calls when he was in the office told the person on the phone to stop prank calling them.
