Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Homework Management

Homework! As soon as homework is assigned to students, they feel depressed and are in a bad mood for the remainder of the day. They would have to work for the entire day if they got so much homework. They would want to spend time by themselves and not want to interact with anyone for the rest of their day at school. Students whose ages range from 7 years to 15 years do not enjoy doing homework and the only place where they think that they have to work is at school and they do not have to work at home which means that they are free at home. Why do students think like that?

Homework is very important for students in Middle School and High School. A very key skill that helps students with their homework is Time Management. If students are able to manage their time well, they will be able to finish all the homework assigned to them. On asking a student by the name of Arnav Gupta about how he manages his homework, he mentioned, “ I go home and organise my homework for that day according to the subjects I have the next day.” The best way for students to manage their homework is by making a timetable that states all the work that they have to do everyday. If they make a timetable stating the work they have to do each day, they can finish all the homework that has been assigned to them.”

Certain sources say that students receive lots and lots of homework that they spend the whole day doing homework is a website that gives students ideas on how to manage their homework time. Since students recieve so much homework, they do not have time to interact with their friends and family. Students should spend about 30 minutes a day doing homework in order to have more time to themselves. According to a student of UWCSEA East by the name of Joel Antony, his school asks him to spend only thirty minutes a day doing homework. He mentioned,”I spend only thirty minutes doing homework and that gives me time to play cricket with my friends during the evening and I get to spend more time with my family.” Many schools try to reduce the stress on students by giving them less homework. On asking a parent by the name of Elizabeth, she mentioned, “ If students manage their time properly, they can finish all the homework assigned to them and they should not postpone the homework assigned that day.” If students work on their homework till the early hours of the morning, they go to school feeling lethargic and drowsy the next morning and that will ruin their daily routine. It is very important for students to have a good night’s sleep in order to feel fresh the next day.

Children whose ages range between 7 years and 15 years, prefer spending time with friends and family rather than doing homework. Schools should try to reduce the pressure on children by giving them less homework. When will students take less stress on homework? When?

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