Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Lost Phone

“He stormed into the math classroom furious and exasperated in his sweaty PE gear.” Stated Tyler Gan reporting for mentor group 8Mwe “He announced he had lost his green school uniform, phone and wallet and was demanding for it to be returned.”

Wilton Cappel from mentor group 8Mwe reported that he had misplaced his green school uniform in the changing lockers before Physical Education. When he returned his school uniform was not present. Wilton said that his phone and wallet were inside the pockets of his school pants. He could not report the incident to security, as he had to finish the last math period of the day with Mr. Tsang.

Wilton Cappel was excused from math class a few minutes early, so he could report the incident without further complications occurring after school. Aaron Kiss and Tyler Gan accompanied him to security. “Nothing right now can be done. We just have to hope that the person holding the phone will return it” said one of the security guards at the security office.

He asked if Wilton had installed the apple™ Find my I phone app to locate his phone, which Wilton had done. Wilton located his phone through his laptop, and he could see that It was off campus. He sent a message to his phone with contact details. Aaron Kiss also was trying to contact Wiltons phone. It was still turned on but was not being answered.

Wilton re-checked the location of his phone. It was at the main entrance of the school campus! Basil Haider emerged from a red car as Wilton, Aaron and Tyler arrived. Basil handed over his phone, wallet and school uniform back to Wilton. “I heard a vibrating sound coming from my bag.” said Basil Haider. “I took it out and it was Wiltons phone. There was a message on it saying he was still at school, So we turned around and headed back towards UWC to return it. I must have mistakenly taken his clothes after PE.”

“Student from UWC have a high risk of getting their personal devices stolen, including phones and laptops if unattended. The school has about 1,000 people who come through every day. This does not include staff and students from the school.” stated an unidentified security guard from UWC. Students should be responsible with devices like these. They should always know where they are and should put them in their lockers during break, lunch and times when they are not in use to avoid misplacement or the loss of the item. I do not think anyone would want to suffer the wrath of their parents when they tell them they lost their laptop or phone!

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