Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Low Crime Is Not No Crime

“You wouldn’t expect Singapore to have a crime rate at all” Says one bystander “but it doesn’t surprise me that crime-alert signs have been popping up everywhere”

Three weeks ago, august 18th, a family of five where in disquietude when they spotted peculiar dusty hand and shoe prints up the outside of their house, leading up to a shattered window. The first to notice the prints was Mrs.Pham, who was outside at 7:30am to hang-dry laundry. “At first I thought it was dirt, but then I noticed the shape and mass-amount of the prints. I saw the broken window and I called the police immediately” she said. The police arrived on the scene just half an hour later. Thankfully nothing was stolen and there were no unwanted guests in the house. The police, being thorough and professional, dusted the fingerprints and searched the whole premises for evidence as there was no witnesses. The only item that was found was a small child-sized “Dora the Explorer” t-shirt, suggesting either a very small criminal or that the perpetrator had perhaps knocked the clothes off the neighbors washing line.

Pointing out while this was quite a low-key crime and as quoted from the straits times “Singapore has a worldwide reputation for being safe”, the detective in charge, Mr.Low reminded the owners that “low crime doesn’t mean no crime”.

Just how low is the crime in Singapore? According to the Singapore police force statistics there were 175 “housebreakings” in the six months ending June, 2014. It is recommended, (even in Singapore) to have an alarm system. So, in Singapore, as safe as it is- the safety of yourself and your belongings shouldn’t be overlooked.

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