Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Simple Hapiness

The Grade 3,4 and 5’s stood in the 40 degree heat on the American British Academy in Muscat, Oman. They all lined up in front of goal for the Crossbar Challenge. Basil Haider, a grade 4 student, was known for his terrible football skills. He stood up to take the penalty. Sweat dripped off of him as he got ready to take his run up. “he could barely lift the ball off the goring, let alone hit the crossbar” said an anonymous friend of Haider. He took the run up and toe punted the ball towards the goal. The ball curled, dipped and smashed the white bar. Haider and the others present stood in shock, then got up and cheered for him as he just stood there. Then the question arises. Why do the most simple things in life give a person so much happiness.

Farah Zia, mother of Haider, said that “ People don't need much to be happy. Money and material can't give you happiness, but a simple thing can.” According to Haider’s brother Samar, “ Its in human nature. The first humans had nothing complex. They were happy from the very simple things, like food. That has been carried through the generations and thats why simple things can make a person happy.” A lot of the time world famous stars and celebrities are very unhappy people. A quote from an anonymous source said that “Celebrities can be too focused on the money and the glamour and not on the simple things in life, like keeping themselves happy.” Many times, celebrities can live too extravagantly and not do things simply which makes them happy. It is very important to keep yourself happy.

thehappinessshow.com said that “Happiness is so important to us, both as individuals and as a world, primarily because happiness is really all there is.” Happiness can come with big and complicated things. But that won't last. Looking at happiness from the perspective of a 8th grade student, our reporter asked a student who has requested to be anonymous said that “Happiness can be in big, glamorous and money/material related things. But that happiness is only temporary. The happiness of winning a game of Rock Paper Scissors, having a chocolate bar or understanding something in math can last longer. True happiness has to simple, but meaningful.” A lot of times doing something difficult and succeeding can make people more happy than doing something easy over and over again. Zia Haider said “ It is because you feel like you accomplished something.”

In a conclusion, simple things give you happiness because it requires little effort, and if feels the best.

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