Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Say Not To Racism

United World College have embarked on their latest social mission, this time taking on the widespread issue of students and racism. Although it seems as though racism is only found in countries previously scarred by the topic, the frustrating yet true matter is that racism exists everywhere in the world. Discrimination itself is rare but several students in both local and international are subject to several racist and crude comments, as well as appalling jokes. Due the lengthy period since the international abolishment of racism, the present students have grown ignorant to it’s past effects. It is impossible to change the minds of students no matter how much history can attempt to mold them. But the new mission of the United World College movement is to provide their students with these reminders. The ‘We are One’ campaign, organized by the school’s very own 7th grade BTC (Be the Change) students, is a mission attempting to spread awareness about this topic and increase their peers’ sensitivity towards racism.

Although it is a small project, the group designed a video to show an emotional perspective of how racist insults can affect people. The video featured several students describing some of the insults that had affected them in the past. The video was played in front of United World College’s middle school and was received with a positive reaction. This reaction has proved a unified concern among the students. After the video was played, several sources explained their ‘shock’ and ‘will to change’ to our reporters. A member of the group informed the reporters of their opinion on the topic: ‘We chose racism because we believe that it’s one of the biggest topics we need to irradiate in the world. Although people say it’s not there, racism IS everywhere.’

The group have taken a powerful step towards a more positive learning and social environment, and to reduce all discrimination, especially the cruel effects of racism. The positive reaction was a massive indicator to the students, and an encouragement to building on their efforts in the future; it is a message that has been received by United World College international students with a commitment to care.

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