Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Stressed Out

Everyday, people come home from work at around 7:30 - 8:30pm. Students usually come home around 4 but sometimes they come around 7:00pm. But on the 4th of September, a student from United World College was spotted walking into her condo at 10:00pm at night.

The Singapore times exclusively found out that the school had their yearly "Meet the Teacher" night. The school was looking for middle school student volunteers to help out last night. Meet the Teacher night is where all the parents of the students in middle school go and meet the teacher as a class. The teachers would talk about their year and about themselves. The parents would ask questions about what the curriculum would be like this year and whether their child is doing well or not. Many student helpers stayed back after school because they might have sports training or just stayed back because they wanted to.

"I had badminton training until 6 and the whole event starts at 6:15. I had to get ready for the long night" says Vaasanthi, a student helper last night. They spent about 3 - 4 hours after school. The problem with nights like this is that it goes on for a long time and students don't get much sleep. The students get really tired because they need to get on a bus to school by 7:00. "My daughter gets up at 6:00 am to get ready for school" a source says. But how much sleep should a child get?

Well according to WebMD.com, a child aged 12-18 should get 8-9 hours of sleep. But because of peer pressure and a night like this. What peer pressure means is when one of your peers tell you to do something and it stays on your mind for a long time. You are expected to do it and not wimp out. Ms. Revers, a psychiatrist says that many students undergo peer pressure but they should overcome it by doing something relaxing such as meditation or just listening to calm and relaxing music.

"I think that it is really important for students to get sleep because they don't receive so much homework. They usually get distracted while working like going on facebook and skyping their friends" Says Mr. Raisdana , English teacher. And this is a true statement. Many students should really try to get enough sleep and they should be more organized in what they have.

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