Tuesday, October 21, 2014

That's What Friends Are For

There are many types of people here in this world. There are family, friends and many more. But there are only a couple of people in our lives called friends. The definition of friends according to the merriam-webster is "a person who you like and enjoy being with" but the meaning of friends is so much more than that. Friends are the people who are always there for you. When you need help, you seek your friends and so vice versa.

There are many types of friends. There are BFF's, Good Friends, Acquaintances and many more. All these are just statements but in the end, true friendship lies between you and your connection with your friend. This friendship should last for a long time and when we grow up, we can recall all our memories with our friends. Both good and bad.

There is only one way we can describe our friend that we don't like. Our Enemy. Enemies are people who bully and who treats you badly and doesn't accept you for who you are. A new 8th grader shared her story. "So last year I was in an accident and my face got really messed up so I thought no one would accept me for who I was. After I came back from the hospital my friend called me. I thought I should tell her since she didn't know. I was going to hang up but she insisted I show her how I looked. Once I showed her she didn't laugh, give me pity or anything she simply started saying I don't look as bad as she thought I would. Basically she cheered me up. She made me feel really happy being accepted. She was the only one who accepted me after I went to school. All of my friends made fun of me they bullied me for being in the accident."

That's what true friendship is all about. When someone is in need of you help, you go out to help them. That is exactly why we should have friends. They are always there for you like Dr. Tucker says. "When you are in stress, or you need some help, your friends would be the first person you would go to." he said "Middle Schooler's always go through this phase and when they need friends a lot. But in times like this, people often forget about their friends" Like when you walk through the middle school hallway, you will see a lot of people there but not alone. they have their friends with them. They hang out together in the pods and the tent plaza.

So in conclusion, "Friends are the treasure in the ocean. You need to delve down and find it." Says an anonymous grade 7 student.

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